Everyday To The Exotic
At Uwajimaya, expect to find your local fruits and vegetables, including organics, alongside a wide variety of unique and exotic Asian produce. Find everything from Japanese eggplants, gobo, Napa cabbage, lemongrass, durian fruit, kumquats… the list is endless. Our vast selection makes the produce department one of our most colorful departments and is always a sight to see!
Department Highlights
Featured Produce
Osechi Ryori
Osechi Ryori is traditional Japanese “good luck” food that is enjoyed during the New Year. Read more
Grocery Department, Produce Department, Deli (and Catering), Seafood Department, Holidays, Store Events and News
2021 Holiday Food & Gift Guide
Our 2021 Holiday Food & Gift Guide is here! Find a variety of great gift ideas, holiday… Read more
5 Asian Ingredients and Foods Packed with Health Benefits
When it comes to food, sometimes you have to make a call on whether you want to… Read more
Yum! Yum! Yum!