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Chinese Long Bean  

Grown and harvested like green beans — although not closely related — the Chinese long bean is a vining legume pod picked while still young. Just like the common green bean, these are picked while young, ensuring the beans inside remain small and the pods tender and edible. 

What sets Chinese long beans apart is their extraordinary length.  As their name suggests, they can grow well over two feet long, making them one of the longest cultivated legumes. 

Primarily grown in southern China and across South and Southeast Asia, these beans are ideally harvested young to maintain their slender, tender pods with a delicate texture. While some dishes use the beans whole, they’re often cut into smaller pieces due to their sheer size, which can make them impractical to cook in one piece.  

They can be eaten fresh, pickled, or cooked.  Across various cuisines, one of their most common uses is in stir-fries, paired with spices, aromatics, and other vegetables or meats. They are also used in soups, curries, and other flavorful dishes. 

When available, Uwajimaya carries Chinese long beans in our produce department.