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Egg Noodles

Egg noodles are a delicious component of cuisines not just in Asia, but worldwide!

Egg noodles are a delicious component of cuisines not just in Asia, but worldwide! Tons of cultures have a beloved egg noodle dish: the Alpine spätzle, Americana’s classic chicken noodle soup, endless Italian pastas, and more.

Asian egg noodles include chow mein, lo mein, and Cantonese wonton noodles from China, although those of course are not all of them.
The most frequent use for egg noodles in Asia is in stir fries or soups, such as mie goreng.

What’s special about egg noodles as opposed to eggless wheat-based noodles is how the extra protein affects consistency. While wheat noodles already contain some protein due to their naturally-occurring gluten, the addition of eggs increases protein content which then increases the chewy properties gluten imparts on noodles; subsequently, egg noodles are particularly elastic and tender. This is further exaggerated by the production process common to many Asian egg noodles — unlike their European counterparts who roll the dough into sheets before cutting into strands, most Japanese and Chinese egg noodles are made by stretching and pulling the dough, working up the gluten and creating a particularly springy, tender noodle.

Find fresh and dried egg noodles at Uwajimaya in our extensive noodle section, where you’ll find plenty of different styles that fit whatever you’re in the mood for.