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A relative of figs, jackfruit can be found throughout the tropical regions of Asia. There are different varieties, some with firmer, more substantial flesh, while others are softer. Ripe jackfruit is sweeter, while younger jackfruit has a milder flavor and a meatier texture.

Thanks to its various varieties and ripeness levels, jackfruit is incredibly versatile. It’s commonly used in desserts — often candied or pureed — but also has a wide range of savory applications. These include curries, salads, and stews, as well as deep-fried, braised, or sautéed preparations. You can find jackfruit fresh, canned, frozen, or even dried! In the West, it has gained popularity as a meat substitute, particularly for pulled pork or chicken, due to its ability to be shredded and mimic a similar texture. 

In addition to the flesh, jackfruit seeds can also be cooked, often turned into candy, or used in curry and other dishes. 

Nutritionally, jackfruit is rich in fiber, potassium, and vitamins C and B6. However, despite its popularity as a meat alternative, it doesn’t have a significant amount of protein. 

You can find fresh jackfruit in our produce section, as well as canned and dried jackfruit in their respective departments at Uwajimaya.