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Kumquats — or cumquats in some parts of the world — are a unique type of citrus fruit. Native to southern China, where they've been cultivated for over 900 years, kumquats resemble small, slightly oblong oranges.

Despite their orange-like appearance, kumquats stand out in a few key ways. They’re smaller than most citrus fruits and have much less pith. While their flesh still carries the signature citrus tang, the peel of kumquats is surprisingly sweet and subtly floral. 

Like many citrus fruits, the oil in a kumquat peel is highly aromatic, making it perfect for adding a citrusy punch to drinks — much like how lemon or orange peels are used in martinis and old fashioneds. You can also zest kumquats into desserts or certain savory dishes for extra flavor. 

True to their citrus roots, kumquats are packed with vitamin C and fiber. They’re also commonly crossbred with other citrus fruits to create hybrids, including varieties with lemons, limes, oranges, and satsumas. 

You can find fresh kumquats at Uwajimaya in our produce department.