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Lap Xuong 

Also known as lap cheong or lap chong, lap xuong is one of a few English transliterations of the Cantonese style of Chinese sausage, often simply called “Chinese sausage.” Typically, they are pork-based, though you can aso find them made with chicken or other meats.

These sausages are marinated with seasonings like sugar, salt, soy sauce, and rice wine, and then smoked, meaning they can be stored at room temperature like salami.  However, many people prefer to store them in the refrigerator to extend their shelf life.   

With their fatty and salty composition, enhanced by spices and smoke, lap xuon offers a powerful flavor that is rich and slightly sweet.  This makes them popular for adding into dishes rather than being eaten alone (unless chopped into little bite-sized pieces first). Common dishes featuring lap xuong include fried rice, omelets, buns, and noodles dishes, among others. In Vietnam, sticky rice with lap xuong is particularly popular. 

You can find multiple brands of lap xuong at all Uwajimaya locations in our meat department.