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A soft, sweet fruit, lychee is beloved by just about anyone who’s tried it. Originally from southern China and Southeast Asia, it has gained a devoted following worldwide.

Everything about lychee stands out—its rough, pink-red outer skin encases a semi-translucent, juicy flesh with a dark seed at the center, resembling a Kalamata olive. Its flavor is uniquely sweet with delicate floral notes, and the texture is smooth yet bursting with juice. 
Because of their natural sweetness, lychee are popular additions to desserts and drinks. They can be eaten fresh or canned — although canning removes some of their more complex floral notes — and are also made into syrups or lychee jelly. Whether in syrup form, jelly, or just the fruit itself, they’re then used in (or on) bubble tea, ice cream, milk shakes, candy, and even in martinis and other lychee cocktails. And, just like so many fruits, it’s rich in vitamin C. 
Uwajimaya carries a variety of lychee products, including canned lychee, lychee sorbet, and lychee drinks. You can also find fresh lychee in our produce departmentas long as it hasn’t been all scooped up already!