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Samosas might be the most popular South Asian snack this side of the Pacific Ocean, and for good reason — fried dumplings stuffed with meat, vegetables, legumes, and more? That’s got to be close to the perfect food.

Vegetarian samosas are usually stuffed with a liberally-spiced filling of potatoes, peas, lentils, fried onions, and other vegetables or nuts; non-vegetarian samosas include chicken, mutton, or fish. Depending on where you are, they’re often served with chutney or another kind of dipping sauce. Occasionally you might find a sweet samosa, too. 
Of course, samosas can vary noticeably from region to region seeing as there are versions throughout much of South, Central, and western Asia, and even beyond that in parts of Southeast Asia and Africa. Even within India alone, samosa pastry, filling, shape, and spices are different from one area to the next. You might find some are more bulbous-triangular, while others are flatter. Similarly, certain regions have flakier outsides versus others with more smoothly crispy ones.