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Siena Special

“A bit of sourness from the olives and artichoke hearts plus the wonderful aroma created by the...

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Mama Locke’s Chicken

“One of my favorite foods from childhood is still my favorite food today. We call it Mama...

Uwajimaya | Grilled Pork Tenderloin with Spring Pea Sauce Recipe

Grilled Pork Tenderloin with Spring Pea Sauce

This Grilled Pork Tenderloin with Spring Pea Sauce main serves 4 to 6 people.

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Sugar Cookies with Royal Icing

This recipe was provided by Ann Curry, award-winning journalist and news anchor with Today and Dateline NBC....

Uwajimaya | Furikake Salmon

Furikake Salmon

A family recipe from one of our very own employees, Daysha.

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Salmon Scaloppine

This recipe was contributed by Kenny G, contemporary jazz musician and 1974 graduate of Seattle's Franklin High...

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Rolled Cabbage

This Rolled Cabbage recipe yields about 12 rolls and can be served with rice and gravy.

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Peking Duck Confit

This Peking Duck Confit recipe is from Johnny Zhu, Chef de Cuisine at Veil in Seattle.

Uwajimaya | Sweet and Sour Chicken Recipe

Sweet and Sour Chicken

Chinese-style sweet and sour chicken, stir-fried with bell peppers and pineapple chunks.

Uwajimaya | Pista Sandesh Recipe

Pista Sandesh

Pista Sandesh - a delicious milk sweet you can make at home

Uwajimaya | Recipe - Kabocha Nimono

Kabocha Nimono

Kobocha (Japanese pumpkin) simmered in a sweet and savory dashi stock.

Uwajimaya | Recipe - Wasabi Shrimp with Chuka Dressing

Wasabi Shrimp with Chuka Dressing

Chef Thompson utilizes German, Japanese and American influences to create an atmosphere of excitement for his guests.